Tips for monitors 2: Conducting interviews 2.3 Human Rights Risk Area 3: Rehabilitation and reintegration programmes Deradicalization and disengagement programmes Key principles of disengagement programmes Limited access to activities Coerced participation and the imperative of informed consent Infringements on freedom of opinion and freedom of thought, conscience and religion Misuse of programmes for intelligence-gathering purposes Post-release protective measures for detainees and their families Reintegration and conditions post-release Questions for detention monitors: Rehabilitation and reintegration 74 76 77 78 80 82 82 84 84 85 87 Tips for monitors 3: The composition of the detention monitoring team 89 2.4 90 90 91 93 96 Human rights risk area 4: Institutional and staff issues Recruitment Training Working conditions Questions for detention monitors: Institutional and staff issues Tips for monitors 4: Communicating with the general public and state authorities Selected Bibliography 98 100 3

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