01185898 002/19-09-2007-ECCC/SC Doc No. F26/12 submitted in accordance with the usual provisions on the official filing hours, i.e. no later than 4:00 pm".12 4. On 24 June 20lS, the Defence for KHIEU Samphiin, the Defence for NUON Chea and the Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyers sent e-mails to the Greffiers of the Supreme Court Chamber,13 which were copied to the other parties, attaching their respective lists of documents intended to be used during the questioning of the witnesses ("KHIEU Samphiin's Document List", "NUON Chea's Document List" and "Civil Parties' Document List", respectively); these e-mails were sent at lShS6, l6hOO and l6hlS, respectively. On the same day, a staff member of the Office of the Co-Prosecutors sent an e-mail at l6h42 to the Greffiers of the Supreme Court Chamber,14 copying the other parties, attaching the CoProsecutors' document list ("Co-Prosecutors' Document List") and indicating that the "list was filed this afternoon [through the ECCC's e-filing system], but Khmer ERNs for several transcript references are not yet included in the table. An updated table containing all missing Khmer ERNs will be distributed shortly." S. On 2S June 20lS at 10hSO, a staff member of the Office of the Co-Prosecutors sent Supreme Court Chamber's Greffiers via e-mail,15 which was copied to the parties, an updated list of documents ("Updated Co-Prosecutors' Document List"), detailing in the accompanying e-mail the changes to the Co-Prosecutors' Document List. Those changes include: a change to the title of a column of the list; the merger of documents that were listed twice; the re-classification of a number of documents in a different category; the provision of English ERN numbers for some documents; the provision of Khmer ERN numbers for 12 E-mail by Greffier of the Supreme Court Chamber to Senior Legal Consultant for NUON Chea, "Re: inquiry regarding the lists of material for SCW-3, SCW-4 and SCW-5", 23 June 2015, 14h06, on file with the Supreme Court Chamber. 13 E-mail by Legal Consultant for KHIEU Samphan to Greffiers of the Supreme Court Chamber, "Liste de documents en vue de la deposition de SCW-4, SCW-3 et SCW-5", on file with the Supreme Court Chamber; email by Senior Legal Consultant for NUON Chea to Greffiers of the Supreme Court Chamber, "Lists of material for questioning of SCW -3, SCW -4 and SCW -5", on file with the Supreme Court Chamber; e-mail by Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyer to the Supreme Court Chamber Greffiers and the Parties, "List of documents / SCW -3, SCW4, SCW -5", on file with the Supreme Court Chamber. 14 E-mail by Assistant Co-Prosecutor to Greffier of the Supreme Court Chamber, "List of documents from the Office of the Co-Prosecutors to be used during questioning of SCW -3, SCW -4 and SCW -5", on file with the Supreme Court Chamber. 15 E-mail by Assistant Co-Prosecutor to Greffier of the Supreme Court Chamber, "Corrected Co-Prosecutors' List of Documents", on file with the Supreme Court Chamber. DECISION ON OBJECTIONS TO DOCUMENT LISTS - FULL REASONS 3/40

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