01185897 002/19-09-2007-ECCC/SC Doc No. F26/12 1. THE SUPREME COURT CHAMBER of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed during the Period of Democratic Kampuchea between 17 April 1975 and 6 January 1979 ("Supreme Court Chamber" or "Chamber", and "ECCC", respectively) is seized of the Co-Prosecutors' Response to Witness Document Lists for SCW-3, SCW-4 and SCW-5,1 NUON Chea's Objections to the Lists of Material to be Used by the Co-Prosecutors and Lead Co-Lawyers for the Civil Parties During Questioning of SCW-3, SCW-4 and SCW-5,2 and the Oppositions de fa D¢fense de M. KHIEU Samphan a f 'utilisation de certains documents pendant fa deposition des temoins 3 SeW-3, SeW-4 et SeW-5 ("Co-Prosecutors' Objections", "NUON Chea's Objections" and "KHIEU Samphiin's Objections", respectively). I. 2. BACKGROUND Further to a request by NUON Chea,4 the Supreme Court Chamber decided, on 29 May 2015, to hear witnesses SCW-3, SCW-4 and SCW-5 on appeal,s and scheduled the hearing of those witnesses to take place from 2 July to 7 July 2015 ("July 2015 Hearing"), as needed. 6 3. On 17 June 2015, the Supreme Court Chamber issued the Directions on the Conduct of the Hearing7 ("Directions"), inter alia directing the parties to submit, "no later than Wednesday, 24 June 2015, and via e-mail addressed to the Greffiers of the Supreme Court Chamber as well as to all other parties in Case 002/01, a list of the materials [they intend] to use during the witnesses' questioning".8 For documents longer than 30 pages, the parties were instructed to provide the ERN numbers of the parts of those documents that they expect to use. 9 The Supreme Court Chamber directed further that any objections to the documents intended to be used must be submitted no later than Friday, 26 June 2015,10 a time limit that was subsequently extended to Monday, 29 June 2015. 11 In response to a question by a member of the Defence for NUON Chea, one of the Greffiers of the Supreme Court Chamber confirmed in an e-mail that was copied to all parties that the "lists of material are to be 129 June 2015, F2617. 29 June 2015, F26/S. 3 29 June 2015, F26/9. 4 Third Request to Consider and Obtain Additional Evidence in Connection with the Appeal Against the Trial Judgment in Case 002/01, 25 November 2014, F2/4. 5 Decision on Part ofNUON Chea's Request to Call Witnesses on Appeal, F2/5 ("Decision to Call Witnesses"). 6 Order Scheduling a Hearing, 2 June 2015, F24. 717 June 2015, F26. x Directions, operative paragraph 3 a), p. 4. 9 Directions, operative paragraph 3 a), p. 4. 10 Directions, operative paragraph 3 b), p. 5. 11 Decision on KHIEU Samphlln's Request for Extension of Time Limit for Objections, 23 June 2015, F26/1/1. 2 DECISION ON OBJECTIONS TO DOCUMENT LISTS - FULL REASONS 2/40

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