CAT/C/60/D/677/2015 United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Distr.: General 12 July 2017 Original: English Committee against Torture Decision adopted by the Committee under article 22 of the Convention, concerning communication No. 677/2015*, ** Submitted by: A.N.M. (represented by counsel, Helen Westlund) Alleged victim: The complainant State party: Sweden Date of complaint: 9 July 2014 (initial submission) Date of decision: 5 May 2017 Subject matter: Deportation to Afghanistan Procedural issue: Level of substantiation of the complaint Substantive issues: Risk of torture Article of the Convention: Article 3 1.1 The complainant is A.N.M., an Afghan national born on 30 September 19951 and subject to a deportation order from Sweden to Afghanistan. He claims that his deportation would constitute a violation by Sweden of his rights under article 3 of the Convention. The complainant is represented by counsel. 1.2 On 1 May 2015, the Committee, acting through its Rapporteur on new complaints and interim measures, decided to issue a request for interim measures under rule 114 (1) of the Committee’s rules of procedure and requested the State party not to deport the complainant to Afghanistan while the complaint was being considered by the Committee. Factual background 2.1 The complainant is a Shia Muslim of Hazare ethnicity from Jangalak village in the Afghan province of Ghazni. On an unspecified date, as he was bringing apples to be sold at the market in Kabul with his father, the complainant was approached by a Farsi-speaking Iranian man, who offered him a job. The job was to distribute secretly 12 pamphlets, each containing about 70 pages of the Bible, and nine DVDs, also with biblical content, among his acquaintances, which the complainant agreed to do. The complainant distributed all the pamphlets and DVDs within one day. He then contacted the Iranian man to obtain more copies, and he travelled to Kabul to collect the material. However, as his activity became * Adopted by the Committee at its sixtieth session (18 April-12 May 2017). ** The following members of the Committee participated in the consideration of the present 1 communication: Essadia Belmir, Alessio Bruni, Felice Gaer, Abdelwahab Hani, Claude Heller Rouassant, Jens Modvig, Ana Racu and Kening Zhang. This is the date provided by the complainant, which differs from the date on his Afghan identity document (see para. 2.3 below). GE.17-11696(E) 

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