National Police Commander in order to ensure full compliance with the human rights covenants and agreements signed and ratified by the State of Paraguay. Paragraph 269 38.An inter-agency commission composed of representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, the Office of the Ombudsman, the National Police (Human Rights Department) and the Secretariat for Women has been set up in order to monitor police stations. It will check on conditions in detention cells and on the provision of drinking water, regular access to toilets and proper mattresses and beds, in order to ensure that people’s basic needs are met. Paragraph 270 39.The above-mentioned commission has established measures relating to all aspects of the treatment of persons who are detained or deprived of their liberty for a period greater than 24 hours, with particular emphasis on their placement in detention cells, lavatory facilities, food and rest. Paragraph 271 40.The current procedure followed by police staff in order to check persons arrested or detained for any physical disorder that they might exhibit as from the time of their arrest or detention consists of a thorough examination of the prisoner by doctors from the Medical Emergency Centre or the Police Hospital (in the case of police procedures in the capital) or from a health centre (in the case of police procedures in the interior of the country). Paragraph 272 41.The police procedures manual explicitly states that any woman who is arrested or detained should be protected and guarded by female police officials in order to avoid the commission of procedural irregularities or excesses by male police officials in the course of their arrest or detention. This rule’s sole purpose is to safeguard their physical integrity and other human rights as provided for by law. Paragraph 273 42.Concurrently with the establishment of the National Police in 1992, women were admitted into the ranks of the police force as both commissioned and non-commissioned officers. Likewise, ever since the Specialized Urban Police was established in 2006, female staff have performed custodial, monitoring and guard duties and have carried out checks on detainees or offenders within the established parameters. Paragraph 275 43.Police personnel are given thorough instruction on the agreements, laws and other instruments ratified by the Government of Paraguay that concern acts of torture, ill-treatment, cruel punishment or the prevention and punishment of breaches of the law. With the support of other institutions, the National Police provides human rights courses, seminars and training to all police personnel. Paragraph 276 44.A number of governmental bodies, such as the Human Rights Prosecution Unit, have been set up to conduct prompt and impartial follow-up and investigations into all allegations or reports that a member of the police force has breached a provision of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment or any related regulation. The legislative branch has a special commission for receiving, monitoring and following-up complaints relating to acts of torture, illtreatment or cruel punishment. There are also various social groups that are dedicated to overseeing, reporting and following up cases involving cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Paragraph 277 45.The Publications Department of the National Police has prepared posters and other publicity materials on the subject of persons deprived of their liberty. These have been printed in the two official languages and have been distributed to all police stations throughout the country. Information has also been made available to the public on the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment, as well as on how and where to file complaints concerning such acts. 46.In order to support the work of the police, the Chamber of Deputies has developed a police officer’s guide to human rights. Copies of this pamphlet have been distributed to all commissioned and non-commissioned police officers. Paragraph 278 47.All “plain clothes” (i.e., non-uniformed) commissioned and non-commissioned police officers and other police staff who conduct arrests, detain or apprehend suspects or perform other police duties must be duly accredited and carry badges. Police force regulations prescribe the type of uniform and insignia that officers should wear and the scope of their functional responsibilities. Any breach of the regulations contained in the Police Charter is to be punished by the institution through the Directorate for Police Justice on the basis of the corresponding report from the Department of Internal Affairs of the National Police.

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