2 JALLOH v. GERMANY JUDGMENT 4. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court. By a decision of 26 October 2004, it was declared partly admissible by a Chamber of that Section, composed of Ireneu Cabral Barreto, President, Georg Ress, Lucius Caflisch, Rıza Türmen, Boštjan M. Zupančič, Margarita Tsatsa-Nikolovska and Alvina Gyulumyan, judges, and Vincent Berger, Section Registrar. 5. On 1 February 2005 the Chamber relinquished jurisdiction in favour of the Grand Chamber, none of the parties having objected to relinquishment (Article 30 of the Convention and Rule 72 of the Rules of Court). 6. The composition of the Grand Chamber was determined according to the provisions of Article 27 §§ 2 and 3 of the Convention and Rule 24 of the Rules of Court. Georg Ress, whose term of office expired on 31 October 2004, continued to sit in the case (Article 23 § 7 of the Convention and Rule 24 § 4). Jean-Paul Costa, Rıza Türmen and Margarita TsatsaNikolovska, who were unable to take part in the hearing, were replaced by András Baka, Giovanni Bonello and Ján Šikuta (Rule 24 § 2 (a) and § 3). At the final deliberations, Snejana Botoucharova, substitute judge, replaced Ljiljana Mijović, who was unable to take part in the further consideration of the case (Rule 24 § 3). 7. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits. 8. A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 23 November 2005 (Rule 59 § 3). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mrs A. WITTLING-VOGEL, Ministerialdirigentin, Mr H. BRÜCKNER, Oberregierungsrat, Mrs C. KREIS, Staatsanwältin, Mr J. KLAAS, Oberstaatsanwalt, Mr K. PÜSCHEL, Professor (Institut für Rechtsmedizin Hamburg), Mr H. KÖRNER, Oberstaatsanwalt, Advisers; (b) for the applicant Mr U. BUSCH, Rechtsanwalt, Mr A. BUSCH, Unternehmensberater, Counsel, Adviser. Agent, The Court heard addresses by Mr A. Busch and Mrs Wittling-Vogel as well as their answers and the reply of Mr Püschel to questions put to them.

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