United Nations
Convention against Torture
and Other Cruel, Inhuman
or Degrading Treatment
or Punishment
Distr.: General
3 October 2017
Original: French
Committee against Torture
Decision adopted by the Committee under article 22 of the
Convention, concerning communication No. 654/2015*, **
Communication submitted by:
Rached Jaïdane, represented by Track Impunity
Always (TRIAL) and Action des chrétiens pour
l’abolition de la torture (ACAT-France)
Alleged victim:
The complainant
State party:
Date of complaint:
7 January 2015 (initial submission)
Date of present decision:
11 August 2017
Subject matter:
Torture and ill-treatment by State authorities
Procedural issues:
Substantive issues:
Torture; cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment; measures to prevent the
commission of acts of torture; systematic
surveillance of the custody and treatment of
detained persons; the obligation of the State
party to ensure that the competent authorities
proceed to a prompt and impartial investigation;
the right to complain; the right to redress; the
prohibition on the use in proceedings of
statements made as a result of torture
Articles of the Convention:
1, 2 and 11 to 16
The complainant is Rached Jaïdane, a Tunisian national born on 25 March 1963 in
Tunis. He claims to be the victim of a violation by Tunisia of articles 1, 2 and 11 to 16 of
the Convention. He is represented. The Convention entered into force for Tunisia on 23
October 1988.
On 27 January 2015, in accordance with rule 114 (1) of its rules of procedure, the
Committee requested the State party to adopt effective measures, during the consideration
of the complaint, to prevent any threats or acts of violence to which the complainant and his
family might be exposed, particularly as a result of having lodged the present complaint,
and to keep the Committee informed of the measures taken with that end in view.
* Adopted by the Committee at its sixty-first session (24 July-11 August 2017).
** The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present
communication: Essadia Belmir, Alessio Bruni, Felice Gaer, Claude Heller Rouassant, Jens Modvig,
Ana Racu, Sébastien Touzé and Kening Zhang.
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