CAT/OP/6/Rev.1 9. The San José Guidelines are an integral part of this policy. II. General operational practice 10. The Subcommittee rapporteur on reprisals should be notified as soon as possible of all allegations of intimidation or reprisals against individuals, groups or national preventive mechanisms seeking to cooperate or cooperating with the Subcommittee or the national preventive mechanisms themselves. The Subcommittee and national preventive mechanisms should take steps to ensure that they are provided with all relevant information relating to those allegations. The Chair of the Subcommittee should be notified of the allegations by the rapporteur or the country visit focal point on reprisals through the secretariat as soon as possible. 11. Information concerning allegations of intimidation or reprisals may be submitted orally or in writing and may be submitted in confidence. A detailed record of all allegations of intimidation or reprisals that have been submitted will be maintained. 12. The rapporteur will make an assessment of the allegation as soon as possible and, in so doing, will make use of a wide variety of sources of information. These sources will include the State party, concerned individuals, the secretariat, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), including its field presences, other United Nations entities, national human rights institutions, national preventive mechanisms and civil society. Pending the initial assessment, all incidents will be referred to as allegations of intimidation or reprisals. The rapporteur may consult and liaise with the relevant country rapporteurs during the process of initial assessment, keeping in mind the principles of confidentiality. 13. The rapporteur will maintain contact with the individuals or groups alleging intimidation or reprisals, or their representatives, and determine the most appropriate course of action in each case. When doing so, the rapporteur will consider the possible consequences that seeking to cooperate or cooperating with the treaty bodies could have for the individuals or groups alleging intimidation or reprisals or for others who may be affected by that action. 14. The rapporteur will inform the Chair of the conclusions that have been reached. If it appears that intimidation or reprisals have or might have taken place, the rapporteur will inform the Chair and advise him or her of a potential course of action. If there is a country rapporteur, he or she should also be notified and his or her views sought. A decision should then be taken in accordance with the practices and processes of the Subcommittee. 15. The Subcommittee will have as a standing agenda item, to be considered on an annual basis, an update on intimidation or reprisals from the rapporteur on reprisals and country rapporteurs. Specific measures 16. Where possible, the Subcommittee will take steps to prevent intimidation and reprisals. Preventive measures could include requesting individuals or groups to provide information in a confidential manner and reminding States parties of their primary obligation to prevent and refrain from all acts of intimidation or reprisals against individuals and groups seeking to cooperate or cooperating with the Subcommittee. Protective measures 17. When it is alleged that an individual or group is at risk of intimidation or reprisals for seeking to communicate or for having communicated with the Subcommittee, including 3

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