Dismantling the Tools ofreport Oppression INTERPOL 2018 About Fair Trials Fair Trials is a global criminal justice watchdog with offices in London, Brussels and Washington, D.C., focused on improving the right to a fair trial in accordance with international standards. Its work combines: (a) helping suspects to understand and exercise their rights; (b) building an engaged and informed network of fair trial defenders (including NGOs, lawyers and academics); and (c) fighting the underlying causes of unfair trials through research, litigation, political advocacy and campaigns. As part of its work to ensure that cross-border justice mechanisms operate fairly, Fair Trials has campaigned for simple changes to help make INTERPOL a more effective crime-fighting tool which does not undermine fundamental human rights. Since 2012, Fair Trials has worked to highlight and tackle the misuse of INTERPOL. We have: Helped individuals who have been subject to abusive INTERPOL alerts, either by representing them directly or by providing support to their lawyers and other NGOs; Worked constructively with INTERPOL to gain a better understanding of the underlying causes of INTERPOL abuse, resulting in a range of detailed papers, including a major report in 2013 – Strengthening respect for human rights, strengthening INTERPOL – in which we set our proposals for reform; Supported regional and international bodies, including the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Union and the UN Committee against Torture, in their work relating to the issue of INTERPOL abuse; Collaborated with civil society organisations, lawyers and academics in building and advancing the case for INTERPOL reform; and Highlighted cases of injustice arising from INTERPOL abuse, generating press coverage across the world. For further information, please contact: Bruno Min Senior Policy Advisor +44 (0)20 7822 2370 bruno.min@fairtrials.net For press enquiries, please contact: With generous support from: Alex Mik Campaigns and Networks Director +32 24 25 84 47 alex.mik@fairtrials.net 1

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