Alternatives to detention for asylum seekers and people in return procedures Figure 1: Types of alternatives to detention Source: FRA (2015) Significant attention has been devoted to alternatives to immigration detention in recent years. This has resulted both in a great deal of comparative research and in the developments of tools and other guidance to promote the use of alternatives. This compilation is aimed at policy makers and practitioners entrusted with the task of promoting the use of alternatives to detention and seeks to facilitate the usage of existing materials. It presents various instruments and research material, together with the general human rights and EU legal framework. The first section covers the international framework that safeguards the right to liberty, while those that follow focus specifically on alternatives to detention. The compilation sets out selected:        instruments on the right to liberty non-binding United Nations instruments on alternatives to detention non-binding Council of Europe instruments on alternatives to detention European Union law provisions relating to alternatives to detention case law from the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the EU and the United Nations Human Rights Committee on alternatives to detention recently developed tools research publications. The selected instruments are presented by category, beginning with legal instruments (binding and non-binding), and then continuing to case law, expert guidelines and research papers. The 3

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