I Poročilo Varuha človekovih pravic Republike Slovenije o izvajanju nalog in pooblastil državnega preventivnega mehanizma za leto 2011................................. 8 I Implementation of THE Duties and Powers Of The .......... National Preventive Mechanism in 2011 ................................9 1. Uvod................................................................................................................ 8 1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 9 2. Obiski v zavodih za prestajanje kazni zapora, mladoletniškega zapora in 2. Visit to prisons, a juvenile prison and a youth detention centre ................... 13 prevzgojnega doma ......................................................................................12 3. Visits to police stations ................................................................................ 19 3. Obiski policijskih postaj .................................................................................18 4. Visits to psychiatric hospitals ....................................................................... 33 4. Obiski psihiatričnih bolnišnic ........................................................................ 32 5. Visits to special social care institutions ........................................................ 45 5. Obiski posebnih socialnovarstvenih zavodov .............................................. 44 6. Visits to nursing homes ............................................................................... 49 6. Obiski domov za starejše ............................................................................ 48 7. Visit to the Asylum Centre and the Aliens Centre ........................................ 55 7. Obisk Azilnega doma in Centra za tujce ...................................................... 54 8. Obiski zavodov za vzgojo in izobraževanje otrok in mladostnikov s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami..............................................................58 8. Visits to institutions for the care and education of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural disorders ................................................... 59 II PREGLED DEJAVNOSTI DRŽAVNEGA PREVENTIVNEGA MEHANIZMA (DPM) V LETU 2011..................................................... 68 II Review of National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) activities in 2011........................................................................... 69 III KONVENCIJA IN PROTOKOL .......................................................... 80 III CONVENTION AND PROTOCOL ................................................... 81 1. Konvencija OZN proti mučenju in drugim krutim, nečloveškim ali poniževalnim kaznim ali ravnanju ........................................................................ 80 1. UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ....................................................................................... 8 2. Opcijski protokol h Konvenciji proti mučenju in drugim krutim, nečloveškim ali poniževalnim kaznim ali ravnanju .................................................................. 102 12. Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment .............................................. 103 IV IV DOKUMENTI VARUHA ČLOVEKOVIH PRAVIC............................... 130 OMBUDSMAN DOCUMENTS.......................................................... 131 1. Pravilnik o povračilu stroškov in o nagradah osebam iz organizacij, ki opravljajo naloge oziroma izvršujejo pooblastila po določbah Opcijskega protokola h Konvenciji proti mučenju in drugim krutim, nečloveškim ali poniževalnim kaznim ali ravnanju ......................................................................................................... 130 1. Rules on the reimbursement of costs and rewards to persons from organisations that perform tasks or exercise authorities under the provisions of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ................................................................. 131 2. Obrazec 1: Zahtevek za povračilo stroškov in nagrad .............................. 136 2. Form 1: Claim for the reimbursement of costs and rewards .................... 137 3. Obrazec 2: Sklep o povračilu stroškov in nagrad (formular) ..................... 138 3. Form 2: Decision on reimbursement of costs and rewards (form 2) ......... 139

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