United Nations
Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities
Distr.: General
18 June 2014
Original: Spanish
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Communication No. 8/2012
Views adopted by the Committee at its eleventh session (31 March–11
April 2014)
GE.14-05593 (E)
Submitted by:
Mr. X (represented by counsel, Valeria G.
Alleged victim:
The author
State party:
Date of communication:
22 June 2012 (initial submission)
Document reference:
Special Rapporteur’s rule 70 decision,
transmitted to the State party on 9 August
2012 (not issued in document form)
Date of adoption of Views:
11 April 2014
Subject matter:
Denial of house arrest, detention conditions,
access to medical care and timely, suitable
rehabilitation services
Substantive issues:
Discrimination on the ground of disability;
reasonable accommodation; equality and
non-discrimination; accessibility; right to life,
health, habilitation and rehabilitation
Procedural issues:
Failure to exhaust domestic remedies, failure
to substantiate claims
Articles of the Convention:
9; 10; 13; 14, paragraph 2; 15, paragraph 2;
17; 25; and 26
Article of the Optional Protocol:
2 (d) and (e)
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