NORWEGIAN PARLIAMENTARY OMBUDSMAN National Preventive Mechanism ANNUAL REPORT 2018 2 Which sectors are covered by the NPM's mandate? approx. 65 PRISONS AND TRANSITIONAL HOUSING 1 INVOLUNTARY INSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT (BRØSET) 130 approx. This number is an estimate. The ongoing police reform is likely going to affect this number in the coming years. 9 With respect to places of detention for people with developmental disabilitites, this figure is uncertain, among other things because many of them live in their own homes and in sheltered housing. The NPM has yet to carry out visits to such places and has therefore not finished mapping this sector. 17 THE POLICE IMMIGRATION DETENTION CENTRE (TRANDUM) CUSTOMS AND EXCISE'S DETENTION PREMISES HOUSING FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES THE NORWEGIAN ARMED FORCES' CUSTODY FACILITIES approx. 1,000 INSTITUTIONS FOR INVOLUNTARY TREATMENT OF PEOPLE WITH SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROBLEMS 1 20 POLICE CUSTODY FACLITIES AND PLACES WITH INTERROGATION ROOMS 120 approx. NURSING HOMES MENTAL HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS CHILD WELFARE INSTITUTIONS 150 approx. The figures are estimates based on a mapping conducted in 2014/2015.

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