HASSAN v. THE UNITED KINGDOM – JUDGMENT 1 Table of Contents PROCEDURE ................................................................................................ 3 THE FACTS .................................................................................................. 4 I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE ............................................... 4 A. The invasion of Iraq............................................................................ 5 B. The capture of the applicant’s brother by British forces .................... 5 C. Detention at Camp Bucca ................................................................... 6 D. The screening process....................................................................... 10 E. Evidence relating to Tarek Hassan’s presence in the civilian holding area at Camp Bucca and his possible release ...................... 12 F. The discovery of Tarek Hassan’s body ............................................. 14 G. Correspondence with Treasury Solicitors and legal proceedings..... 15 II. RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC LAW AND PRACTICE ............................................................................................. 16 A. Relevant provisions of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions . 16 B. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969, Article 31... 18 C. Case-law of the International Court of Justice concerning the inter-relationship between international humanitarian law and international human rights law ......................................................... 19 D. The Report of the Study Group of the International Law Commission on Fragmentation of International Law ....................... 20 E. The House of Lords’ judgment in Al-Jedda ..................................... 21 F. Derogations relating to detention under Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ....................... 23 THE LAW .................................................................................................... 25 I. THE COURT’S ASSESSMENT OF THE EVIDENCE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FACTS ................................................... 25 A. The parties’ submissions .................................................................. 25 1. The applicant ............................................................................... 25 2. The Government .......................................................................... 25 B. The Court’s evaluation of the facts ................................................... 26 II. ALLEGED VIOLATION OF ARTICLES 2 AND 3 OF THE CONVENTION ...................................................................................... 31 A. The parties’ submissions .................................................................. 31

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