3 Ivana Ritter and Mag. iur. Harald Oberdorfer. In addition, this exchange was also attended by Police Commissioner lic. phil. Jules Hoch and by Police Chief of Staff lic. iur. Uwe Langenbahn, who formally also holds the position of head of the State Prison. During this meeting, the recommendations made in writing by the Corrections Commission and the NPM in the past quarterly and annual reports were discussed orally and the Government and the Offices in charge expressed their positions thereon. Any related details will be provided below under the relevant headings. II. FACTS IDENTIFIED AND RECOMMENDATIONS MADE DURING THE VISITS A) Vaduz State Prison (Landesgefängnis Vaduz): 1. In 2018, of the visits mentioned above, five visits by the NPM to the Vaduz State Prison were unannounced. The number of prison inmates varied during the visits between 8 and 14 persons, and these included persons serving a sentence, pre-trial detainees and detainees awaiting extradition or deportation. The total number was 63 inmates, most of them men and two women. The prison officers readily provided the NPM with information, and access to all penitentiary files requested was granted. Furthermore, immediate access was granted to all facilities that NPM members wanted to visit. In addition, it was always possible for the NPM to have confidential talks both with the prison officers and the head of the prison on the one hand and with the pretrial detainees and persons serving a sentence and the detainees awaiting extradition or deportation on the other hand. During these visits, the NPM was able to obtain a good understanding of the conditions of detention. As in the past few years, these conditions continue to be good. The inmates did not complain that any abuse or other inhuman treatment had happened during their time spent in the State Prison. On the contrary, the NPM continued to be satisfied that the atmosphere in the State Prison was predominantly good in the past year.

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