2. access to all information on the number of persons deprived of their liberty in facilities of detention, and the number of facilities and their location; 3. choose the facilities he wants to visit and the persons he wants to talk to; 4. conduct personal interview with persons deprived of liberty, personally or through an interpreter if necessary, as well as any other person, who can provide relevant information according to the Ombudsman as a National preventive mechanism; 5. access to all information related to treating individuals as well as on conditions in the facilities of detention; 6. request information from officials of the visited place of detention with whom to talk to and to conduct personal interviews with any person who is in the territory of the inspected site; 7. arrange for execution of medical examination of persons with their consent. According to Art. 46 of the Law on Implementation of Penal Sanctions and Detention (LIPSD) the Ombudsman may recommend the Minister of Justice particular prison or prison dormitory or detention facility to be closed, reconstructed or expanded where corrective action can not be carried out and where there is a threat of harm to the physical or mental health of inmates, due to a high degree of overcrowding and poor hygiene and living conditions. Recommendation shall be submitted within one month with the Council of Ministers by the Minister of Justice. Within three months the Council of Ministers shall announce the measures taken to solve the problems. Confidential information obtained by the Ombudsman as a National preventive mechanism can not be disclosed. Personal data may be published only after the person to whom they relate, has expressed its explicit consent. In the process of building the NPM methods of conducting inspections in facilities under art. 28a of the Law on the Ombudsman and schedule of inspections have been adopted. FACILITIES VISITED AND RECOMMENDATIONS MADE Inspected facilities In 2012 the National Preventive Mechanism inspected a total of 162 facilities: 1. Detention facility with the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and the Ministry of Interior (MoI) - 116 facilities, out of which: - Prisons and prison dormitories - 39 facilities; - Reformatories - 2 facilities; - detention facilities - 42 facilities; - facilities for accommodation of detainees within the structures of the Ministry of Interior (areas for 24-hour detention with a district police department) - 26 facilities; - facilities for temporary stay and insulation in buildings of courts - 7 facilities. 2. State psychiatric hospitals, psychiatric wards, homes for children deprived of parental care, homes for mentally retarded children, homes for the elderly people with mental disorders, dementia and mental retardation - 46 facilities, out of which: - State psychiatric hospitals - 3 facilities; - Psychiatric wards - 3 facilities; - Homes for Medical and Social Care - 5 facilities; - Homes for children deprived of parental care - 19 facilities; 4 Annual Report of the National Preventive Mechanism | OMBUDSMAN OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA

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