FOREWORD As an integral part of our work in the field of protection, promotion and protection of human rights our relations with local and international expert’s relevant government agencies, civil society institutions, mass media, international organizations, national human rights institutions of foreign countries, ensured improvement of the activity of the Commissioner as an NPM, building of efficient and constructive cooperation, conduction of fruitful discussions, training and exchange of experience. As it is known, the Republic of Azerbaijan ratified the Optional Protocol to theConvention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on December 2, 2008, by the Decree No.112 of the country President dated January 13, 2009, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan was designated as an institution fulfilling the functions of the NPM envisaged by the OPCAT. We do not restrict any initiatives and contributions for improving existing activity from the standpoint of practical approaches in the frames of our activity as an NPM against torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, putting forward proposals and recommendations to the legislation, as well as from the organizational point of view. Fulfilling of the tasks from these new functions which are logical continuation of legal reforms conducted within the framework of the legal statehood building in the country became one of the directions of the Commissioner’s activity The present Report covers the activity of the Azerbaijani NPM for 2017 and envisages the conducted measures, preventive visits and their results, submitted proposals and recommendations, their implementation status, also legal awareness and other activity realized by the NPM. I hope that the issues raised, recommendations and proposals given in this report will contribute to the improvement of various directions in the relevant activity in compliance with the Optional Protocol’s demands. We thank you in advance for your proposals regarding the activity of the NPM . Professor Elmira SULEYMANOVA Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan 4

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