Preface As health professionals and human rights defenders, the IRCT Members have stated their commitment to ‘ a world without torture’, – a world where no one, regardless of their background or societal status, will endure suffering, violence or harm in any guise. This shared message is useful and necessary for our fight against torture. So is a shared means of promoting this message and knowing exactly how we can, together, provide the survivors of torture with the best care possible within our local contexts. The fight for human rights remains an everyday occurrence. IRCT has worked and will continue to work tirelessly to bring together expertise and rehabilitate torture victims in over 140 member centres. This guide has the purpose of gathering their knowledge so that is can be shared. This resource kit exists so that centres and staff across the globe can quickly reference and find vital information. It will therefore be a living instrument that will evolve with our members and their knowledge. Victor H. Madrigal-Borloz Secretary General

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