CAT/C/66/2 America – Felipe Villavicencio Terreros. The regional teams examine the implementation of the Optional Protocol within their region, reporting to the Subcommittee in plenary, with recommendations as appropriate. 7. The Subcommittee’s permanent and ad hoc working groups met as required and as they were able during 2018. Further information on their meetings is provided in section IV below. The Subcommittee considers that meeting in subgroups and working groups facilitates discussion of a broad range of issues in an efficient, focused and participatory fashion. 8. At its thirty-fifth session, the Subcommittee met with representatives of the Association for the Prevention of Torture, the Convention against Torture Initiative and the Omega Research Foundation, and was briefed on the latest developments in the global study on children deprived of liberty. The Omega Research Foundation presented to the Subcommittee its research on monitoring weapons and restraints in places of detention. 9. At its thirty-sixth session, the Subcommittee held an informal meeting with the States parties and signatories to the Optional Protocol; 26 States parties attended the two-hour meeting. 10. At its thirty-sixth session, the Subcommittee, together with the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, met with the Committee against Torture, and, with facilitation and participation by the Association for the Prevention of Torture, discussed proposals for a protocol on non-coercive investigative interviewing. C. Visits conducted during the reporting period 11. The Subcommittee undertook six official visits in 2018 in accordance with its mandate under articles 11–13 of the Optional Protocol, to Uruguay (4–15 March), Belize (22–28 April), Portugal (1–10 May), Poland (8–19 July), Kyrgyzstan (11–22 September) and Liberia (29 October–2 November). During its thirty-fifth session, in June 2018, the Subcommittee also decided to terminate its visit to Rwanda that had been suspended in October 2017, due to a lack of cooperation from the Government. The fact that the Subcommittee was unable to resume and complete its visit to Rwanda also explains the lower number of visits undertaken during 2018. 12. During the course of its official visits in 2018, the Subcommittee conducted over 1,000 individual or collective interviews, mainly with detainees but also with officials, law enforcement personnel and medical staff. It visited, inter alia, 34 prisons, 53 police stations, 11 juvenile detention centres, 8 psychiatric and health-care institutions and 3 closed migrant centres. 13. Further factual information is available in the press releases issued following each visit and Subcommittee session. D. Dialogue arising from visits, including publication of the Subcommittee’s reports by States parties and national preventive mechanisms 14. The substantive aspects of the dialogue arising from visits are confidential. Reports are made public only with the consent of the recipient. By the end of 2018, the Subcommittee had transmitted a total of 78 visit reports to States parties and national preventive mechanisms, including 10 within the reporting period to Hungary (State party), Mauritania (State party and national preventive mechanism), Mongolia (State party), Portugal (State party and national preventive mechanism), Spain (State party and national preventive mechanism) and Uruguay (State party and national preventive mechanism). A total of 41 visit reports have been made public following requests from States parties or national preventive mechanisms under article 16 (2) of the Optional Protocol, including 7 in 2018, namely the reports addressed to the State party arising from the visits of the Subcommittee to Benin, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, and Mongolia, and the reports addressed to the national 4

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