CAT/OP/PRY/2/Add.1 1. The Government of Paraguay takes careful note of all the recommendations and observations made by the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment established pursuant to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which were published in the document “Report on the follow-up visit to the Republic of Paraguay from 13 to 15 September 2010” (CAT/OP/PRY/R.2). The Government of Paraguay takes this opportunity to make the following comments. Recommendations A. Introduction (para. 8) 2. In accordance with the recommendation, the Ministry of the Interior has published the report on the Subcommittee’s initial visit in 2009 and the report on its follow-up visit on both its own website ( and the website of the National Police ( 3. The new decisions issued by the Office of the National Police Commander relating to human rights are also scheduled to be published, with the support of the Millennium Challenge Threshold Program. The main recommendations of the various mechanisms of the United Nations, such as the Subcommittee and the universal periodic review, concerning the work of the National Police will also be published. 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has promised to continue publishing the Subcommittee’s recommendations and observations on its website. 5. The Ministry of Justice and Labour has published the Subcommittee’s recommendations and observations on its website and plans to include them in its refresher workshops, which will initially be for the directors of prisons and juvenile detention centres before subsequently being extended to all staff of these institutions. B. National preventive mechanism (para. 16) 6. The Government of Paraguay is pleased to report that the national preventive mechanism was adopted by Act No. 4.288/11 of 20 April 2011. Given the brief period of time that has elapsed since then, it is not yet possible to provide any information on its implementation. 7. C. 1. A copy of the Act can be found in annex I. Safeguards against torture and ill-treatment (paras. 18 and 19) Legal framework 8. The bill submitted by Senator Carlos Filizzola on 20 May 2009 which amends the definition of the crimes of enforced disappearance (Criminal Code, art. 236) and torture (art. 309) was forwarded for consideration to the senate committees on human rights; constitutional affairs, the armed forces and the police; legislation, codification, justice and labour; and equity, gender and social development. At the Subcommittee’s request, the Government has included the bill in annex II. 9. A committee of experts has been set up to assess the possibility of amending the Military Criminal Code to include the new definition of torture. It is hoped that its legal findings will suggest a solution. GE.11-43459 3

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