Advance unedited version CRC/C/77/D/3/2016 is known about conditions in their country of origin. In that regard, the RAB conducts a comprehensive collection of background material on the human rights situation in the country of origin, such as whether there is a consistent pattern of gross and systematic violations. 8 The RAB sees to it that all facts of the case are brought out and decides on examination of the asylum-seeker and witnesses and the provision of other evidence. The State party notes that an asylum-seeker must provide such information as is required for deciding whether they fall within section 7 of the Aliens Act. It is thus incumbent upon an asylum-seeker to substantiate that the conditions for granting asylum are met. In cases where the asylum,seeker’s statements throughout the proceedings are characterised by inconsistencies or omissions, the Board will attempt to clarify the reasons. However, inconsistent statements about crucial elements of the grounds for granting asylum may weaken the asylum-seeker’s credibility. In such cases, the Board will take into account the asylum-seeker’s explanation for such inconsistencies and their particular situation, such as their age, cultural background, literacy or condition as torture victims, among others. 4.5 The RAB is responsible not only for examining information on the specific facts of the case but also for providing the necessary background information, including information on the situation in the asylum-seeker’s country of origin or country of first-asylum. For this purpose, the RAB has a comprehensive collection of general background material on the situation in the countries from which Denmark receives asylum-seekers, including Somalia.9 This material is continuously updated. 4.6 The State party notes that, as established by the Committee’s General Comment No. 13, State parties have an obligation under article 19 of the Convention to prohibit, prevent and respond to all forms of physical violence against children, including harmful practices such as female genital mutilation. The Committee’s General Comment No. 18 also provides that State parties should adopt legislative measures to effectively address and eliminate harmful practices, and should ensure that legislation and policies relating to immigration and asylum recognise the risk of being subjected to harmful practices or persecuted as a result of such practices as grounds for granting asylum. Consideration should also be given, on a caseby-case basis, to extending protection to a relative accompanying the girl or woman. Also, in line with the Committee’s General Comment No. 6, State parties shall not return a child to a country where there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would be subjected to a real risk of irreparable harm, such as those contemplated under articles 6 and 37 of the Convention, either in the country to which removal is to be effected or in any country to which the child may subsequently be removed. The assessment of such risk should be conducted in an age and gender-sensitive manner. Therefore, it must be deemed that the Convention is violated only if a child would be exposed to a real risk of irreparable harm if returned. This should be the guiding principle in cases concerning the expulsion of a girl where it has been submitted that she would be subjected to female genital mutilation upon return. 4.7 The State party argues that the author has failed to establish a prima facie case as she has not sufficiently substantiated her claim that her daughter would be exposed to a real risk of irreparable harm if returned to the Puntland State of Somalia, and therefore, her claim should be declared inadmissible under article 7 (f) of the Optional Protocol. 8 9 The State party notes that background material is collected from various sources, including UNHCR website, the European Country of Origin Information Network, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Country of Origin Information Division of the Danish Immigration Service, the Danish Refugee Council, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other international human rights organisations. The RAB background information is available on 5

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