CAT/OP/ROU/1 I. Introduction 1. In accordance with its mandate under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment carried out its first regular visit to Romania from 3 to 12 May 2016. 2. The Subcommittee members conducting the visit were: Aisha Shujune Muhammad (head of delegation), Suzanne Jabbour, Miloš Janković and Margarete Osterfeld. The Subcommittee was assisted by three human rights officers from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations security officers and interpreters. 3. During the visit, the Subcommittee conducted 30 visits to places of deprivation of liberty, including two follow-up visits. The delegation visited police stations, prisons, accommodation centres for migrants and asylum seekers, retirement homes, family-type accommodations for children and psychiatric institutions (see annex I). The members of the delegation held meetings with the relevant authorities of Romania, the People’s Advocate, representatives of the national preventive mechanism, members of civil society and the United Nations representative in Romania (see annex II). 4. At the conclusion of the visit, the delegation presented its confidential preliminary observations orally to the authorities of Romania. In the present report, the Subcommittee presents its findings and recommendations concerning the prevention of torture and illtreatment of persons deprived of their liberty in Romania. In the report, the Subcommittee uses the generic term “ill-treatment” to refer to any form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 5. The report will remain confidential until such time as the authorities of Romania request the Subcommittee to make it public, in accordance with article 16 (2) of the Optional Protocol. The Subcommittee draws the State party’s attention to the Special Fund established under the Optional Protocol, as recommendations contained in public Subcommittee visit reports can form the basis of an application for funding of specific projects under the Special Fund. 6. The Subcommittee recommends that the authorities of Romania request the publication of the present report in accordance with article 16 (2) of the Optional Protocol. It also recommends that the State party distribute the report to all the relevant government departments and institutions. II. Facilitation of the visit and cooperation 7. The Subcommittee wishes to express its gratitude to the authorities for their cooperation and facilitation of the visit. In particular, it would like to thank the Government of Romania for all the information received before and after the visit, for issuing credentials for unrestricted access to places of detention and for facilitating the coordination of the Subcommittee visit on the ground. The authorities granted access to all places visited by the Subcommittee and the delegation was able to conduct private interviews of its choice in all the detention facilities visited. III. Reprisals 8. The Subcommittee is concerned about the possibility of reprisals against persons interviewed during the visit. It wishes to emphasize that any form of intimidation or reprisals against persons deprived of their liberty constitutes a violation of the State party’s obligation to cooperate with the Subcommittee under the Optional Protocol. In accordance with article 15 of the Optional Protocol, the Subcommittee urges the authorities in Romania to ensure that there are no reprisals following the delegation’s visit. It also wishes to draw 3

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