CAT/OP/ARM/1 8. The SPT expresses its concern and regret however, that not all credential letters granting unimpeded access to all places of detention in Armenia were delivered prior to the start of the joint visits, which could have hindered such access in contravention to article 12 of the OPCAT. The SPT emphasizes the importance of receiving a general credential letter granting access to all places of detention, issued at the highest necessary level to be effective vis-à-vis any authority controlling any such place. II. The national preventive mechanism 9. Armenia acceded to the Convention against Torture on 13 September 1993 and acceded to the OPCAT on 14 September 2006. On 8 April 2008, Parliament designated the Human Rights Defender’s Office (HRDO) as NPM, through an amendment to the 2003 Human Rights Defender Act. Article 6.1 of the Act, introduced in 2008, states that the Human Rights Defender is designated as an ‘independent national mechanism’ under the OPCAT. The amendments provide no further detail on the functioning of the Ombudsman's Office as NPM. 10. The tasks and powers of the NPM therefore derive from the OPCAT, in particular articles 19 and 20, and have been further elaborated in the Internal Regulation of the NPM. 11. From 2009-2011, the NPM’s functions were carried out by a team of 3 HRDO staff and 4 NGO representatives, selected by the Human Rights Defender. Visits to places of detention were carried out on the condition that delegations comprised at least one HRDO staff member and that the Human Rights Defender was informed of every visit beforehand. Funding came from the 3-year project under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights. 12. In 2011, the Human Rights Defender established the Department for the Prevention of Torture and Violence within the Human Rights Defender’s Office, which was charged with the fulfilment of the HR Defender’s NPM mandate. The Department consists of 4 professionals (the head of the department, a psychologist, a lawyer and a doctor), who partake in the visits of the NPM. As of August 2013, the position of psychologist was vacant. As to the filling of these posts, the NPM indicated to the SPT that this will depend on the budget allocations of 2014. 13. The involvement of NGOs in the NPM was formalized in 2010 with the establishment of the Expert Council on the Prevention of Torture and Violence (the Expert Council), by the Order of the Human Rights Defender (Order N 002-L). Based on article 26 of the Law on the Human Rights Defender’s Office, the Human Rights Defender may establish Expert Councils composed of individuals with respective background in human rights and fundamental freedoms, who shall be involved on a voluntary basis and perform their activities without any compensation. The Expert Council members support the HRDO in carrying out its activities as NPM through taking part in visits and compiling relevant documents on those visits, which are later included in the NPM report. The Expert Council functions in accordance with the “Regulations” confirmed by the Defender. It cannot publish its own reports, as it was established by and adjunct to the HRDO. 14. Thus, the NPM is a de facto ‘Ombudsman plus’ model (not de jure since the involvement of civil society in the work of NPM rests upon the Order of the Public Defender). The involvement was further regulated through a Memorandum of Understanding, signed in June 2011 between the Human Rights Defender and seven civil society organisations. 15. As of end March 2013, the Expert Council was composed of 11 members (7 NGO representatives, 3 independent experts who have expertise in psychology, sociology and 4

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