Migratieweb ve15002236 CAT/C/56/D/569/2013 United Nations (~, con,vention again, st Torture ~ and Other Cruel, Inhuman ~ or Degra'ding' Treatment or Punishment Distr.: General 14 December 2015 Original: English Advance uneditèd version Committee against Torture Communication No. 569/2013 Decision adopted by the Committeeat its fifty-fifth session (9 November - 9 December 2015) Submitted by: M. C. (represented by counsel; Ms. J.A. Pieters) Alleged victim: The complainant State party: The N etherlands Date of complaint: Date ofpresent decision: 17 June 2013 (initia! submission) , 30 November.2015 Subject matter: Expulsion to Guinea Procedural issues: Non-substantiation ofthe claim. Substantive issue: ~isk Article of the Convention: 3 of torture upon return to the country of origin [Annex] GE.15-17114(E) *1517114* Please recycle Bron: www.ohchr.org - Stichting Migratierecht Nederland - www.migratieweb.nl @ I!l. ,. .

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