CAT/C/53/D/514/2012 Annex Decision of the Committee against Torture under article 22 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (fifty-third session) concerning Communication No. 514/2012 Submitted by: Déogratias Niyonzima, represented by Track Impunity Always (TRIAL) Alleged victim: The author State party: Burundi Date of communication: 23 July 2012 (initial submission) The Committee against Torture, established under article 17 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Meeting on 21 November 2014, Having concluded its consideration of communication No. 514/2012, submitted to the Committee against Torture on behalf of Déogratias Niyonzima under article 22 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Having taken into account all information made available to it by the complainant, his counsel and the State party, Adopts the following: Decision under article 22, paragraph 7, of the Convention against Torture 1.1 The complainant is Déogratias Niyonzima, a national of Burundi born on 3 March 1956. He claims to be the victim of violations by the State party of articles 2 (para. 1), 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, read in conjunction with article 1 or, in the alternative, with article 16 of the Convention. He is represented by counsel. 1.2 On 30 July 2012, in application of rule 114, paragraph 1 (formerly rule 108) of its rules of procedure (CAT/C/3/Rev.5), the Committee asked the State party effectively to prevent any threats or acts of violence against the complainant and his family, in particular for having submitted this complaint, while the complaint was being considered. The facts as presented by the complainant 2.1 The complainant was General Secretary of the Parti pour la réconciliation du peuple (People’s Reconciliation Party – PRP). On 1 August 2006, upon leaving his house in the Kabondo district of Bujumbura at around 7 a.m. to accompany his wife to work, he found a group of some 20 police officers outside the gate, armed with rifles and in firing position, deployed in front of two police vans with their revolving lights on. The police stopped him without giving a reason. The complainant asked to see the arrest warrant against him, but he 2 GE.15-00394

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