I. IlectioQ of officer. 10. At it. l.t m••tin9, on 18 April 1988, the Committ•• el.ct.d it. Chairman, in accordaac. with article 18, para9raph 1, of the Convention. Following the adoption of the r.l.vant rul•• of procedure (rul•• 15 to ~O), at the 5th m••ting, on ~O April 1988, the Committee el.ct.d two vic.-chairmen and a rapporteur. The .lection or a thir4 vic.-chairman wa. po.tpone4 to the ••cood •••• ion. The officer• •l.ct.d w.rel Chairman I Mr. Jo•• ph Yia-=..ChairmeQI Rapporteur I V~AMI Mr. AL•• i. DIPANDA MOUELLE Mr. Ricardo ail LAVEDRA Mr. Dimitar Nikolov MIKHAILOV r. AgeQdo 11. At its 1.t m••tin9, the Committee adopt.d the provi.ionol agenda contained in document CATICll o. tbe 0gendo of its first seslion, 011 follows I 1. Opening at the •••• ion. 2. Election of the Chairmen of the Committee. 3. Adoption of the 09.n.da. 4. Adoption 'f the rul•• of 5. E1.ction of the other officer. of the Committee. 6. Matter. rel~tin9 to the t~ittee·. method. of work in r •• p.ct of the consideration of reports to be .ubmitted by State. parties in accordance with articl. 19 of the Conventlor.. 7. ruture •••tin9' of the Connittee. 8. Annual r.port of the CommittGe on its activltie•. pro~edur. -2- of the Committ•••

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