I. ORGANIZATIClfAL AND OTHER MATTERS A. Statl' partio. to the Convlntion 1. As at 22 April 1988, the c10"ing dat. ot the tir.t •••• Jon ot tbe Committee against Torture, tb.r. wa. 29 Statns partie. t~ the Convention 8galn.t Torture and Other Cruel, Inlauman or Deqrading Treatment orPunishm.nt. Tbe Convention wa. adopted by the General As.embly in resolution 39/46 of 10 Dec.mb.r 1~84 and opened for signature and ratit.cation in N.w York on 4 lebruary Ij85. It .ntered into force on 26 June 1987 in 'accordance with the provilion_ of itl article 27. A lilt of States parties to the Convention i. cOlltain.d in anne. I to the pr••ent r"port. D. opening and duratio~ the .e,.ion 2. The tirst ses3ion of the Committ.e agair..t Tortur. wa. b.ld at the Unlt.d Nations Otfice at Geneva, from 18 to 22 Arril 1966. 3. The Committee h.ld ,even m.eting,. An account at the deliberation. of the Committee is contained in the r.levant summary r.cord. (C~T/C/SR.1-7). C. Member.hip And Attendage. In accordance with article 17 of the Convention, ~he gtate. parti•• , at th.ir (irst meeting, held At the United Nations Office at G.neva on 26 Novemb.r 1987, elected by secret ballot the 10 membere of the Committee A9ain.t Tortur. from a list of per90ns nominated by the StAte. partie.. (The deci.ion. tAken by the States parties at their firlt meeting are contain.d in docum.nt CAT/SP/SR.I.) 4. 5. The regular term of ottice ot the members ot the Committee i. tour years. In accordance witb articl' 17, paragraph ~, ot the Convention, th~ Cl.airmau of the flrst meeting of the State. partie. cho•• by lot the name. of tb. ti"e m.mber. of the Committee whose term. would expire at the end of the two year •• 6. The States parties decided that the term of office ot the Committee should begin on 1 January 1088. m~wh.r. ~f the 7. The list of the members of the Committee, together with an lmlication of the duration of their terms of office, appears in annex 11 to the pr_.~nt report. 8. With the exception of Mr. Alfredo H. A. Beng.on, all m.mbers att.nded the first sesslon of the Committee. Mrs. Socorra Diam Palacfo. co"~~ only attend part of the sossion. D. Solemn del;.l.A.utioD b1'- members Jll---th.__. ommittee 9. At the 6th meeting, on 20 April 1988, the eight members 01 the Committee who were present made a solemn declaration in accordanCA with rule 14 of the rules of procedure of the Committee. -1-

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