CCPR/C/123/D/2537/2015 United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Distr.: General 18 December 2018 English Original: Spanish Human Rights Committee Views adopted by the Committee under article 5 (4) of the Optional Protocol concerning communication No. 2537/2015*, **, *** Communication submitted by: Andrés Felipe Arias Leiva (represented by counsel, Mr. Víctor Javier Mosquera Marín) Alleged victim: The author State party: Colombia Date of communication: 11 August 2014 Document references: Decision taken pursuant to rule 97 of the Committee’s rules of procedure, transmitted to the State party on 21 January 2015 (not issued in document form) Date of adoption of Views: 27 July 2018 Subject matter: Conviction of former Minister at sole instance by the highest judicial body Procedural issues: Exhaustion of domestic remedies; abuse of the right of submission; insufficient substantiation of the complaint Substantive issues: Right to due process; right to a hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal; right to be presumed innocent; right to have a conviction and sentence reviewed by a higher tribunal; equality before the law; right to take part in the conduct of public affairs and right to be elected Articles of the Covenant: 7; 9 (1)–(4); 10 (1); 11; 14 (1), (2), (3) (a), (b) and (c), (5), (6) and (7); 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 25; and 26 Articles of the Optional Protocol: 2, 3 and 5 (2) (b) * Adopted by the Committee at its 123rd session (2–27 July 2018). ** The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the communication: Tania María Abdo Rocholl, Yadh Ben Achour, Ilze Brands Kehris, Sarah Cleveland, Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Olivier de Frouville, Christof Heyns, Bamariam Koita, Marcia V.J. Kran, Mauro Politi, José Manuel Santos Pais, Yuval Shany and Margo Waterval. *** The text of an individual opinion by a Committee member is appended to the present Views. GE.18-22078 (E) 180419 230419 

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