United Nations
International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights
Distr.: General
14 December 2015
Original: Spanish
Human Rights Committee
Communication No. 2358/2014
Decision adopted by the Committee at its 115th session
(19 October-6 November 2015)
Submitted by:
G.C.A.A. (represented by Mr. Pedro
Alleged victim:
The author
State party:
Date of communication:
16 March 2012 (initial submission)
Document references:
Special Rapporteur’s rule 92 and rule 97
decision, transmitted to the State party on
18 March 2014 (not issued in document
Date of adoption of the decision: 2 November 2015
Subject matter:
Conduct of the trial in a criminal case
Procedural issues:
Incompatibility with the provisions of the
Covenant; failure to substantiate allegations
Substantive issues:
Right to life; arbitrary detention; unfair
trial; non bis in idem; non-discrimination
and equality before the law
Articles of the Covenant:
2, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15 and 26
Article of the Optional Protocol: 2
GE.15-21845 (E)