UNITED NATIONS CAT Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Distr. RESTRICTED* CAT/C/39/D/297/2006 29 November 2007 ENGLISH Original: FRENCH COMMITTEE AGAINST TORTURE Thirty-ninth session (5-23 November 2007) DECISION Communication No. 297/2006 Submitted by: Bachan Singh Sogi (represented by counsel, Johanne Doyon) Alleged victim: The complainant State party: Canada Date of the complaint: 11 June 2006 (initial submission) Date of the present decision: 16 November 2007 Subject matter: Expulsion to his country of origin of complainant, allegedly a member of a Sikh terrorist organization, despite request for interim measures Substantive issues: Risk of torture in case of expulsion to country of origin Procedural issues: Complaint not compatible with the provisions of the Convention; failure to substantiate allegations Articles of the Convention: 3, 22 [ANNEX] GE.07-45624 (E) 181207 211207

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