CAT/C/71/D/858/2018 United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Distr.: General 1 September 2021 English Original: French Committee against Torture Decision adopted by the Committee under article 22 of the Convention, concerning communication No. 858/2018*, ** Communication submitted by: B.N. and S.R., represented by TRIAL (Track Impunity Always) Alleged victims: B.N. and A.H. State party: Burundi Date of complaint: 22 December 2017 (initial submission) Document references: Decision taken pursuant to rules 114 and 115 of the Committee’s rules of procedure, transmitted to the State party on 12 January 2012 (not issued in document form) Date of adoption of decision: 19 July 2021 Subject matter: Torture and enforced disappearance; lack of effective investigation and redress Procedural issue: Exhaustion of domestic remedy Substantive issues: Torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; measures to prevent acts of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; State party’s obligation to ensure that the competent authorities proceed to a prompt and impartial investigation; right to complain; right to redress Articles of the Convention: 2 (1), 11, 12, 13 and 14, read in conjunction with 1 and 16 * Adopted by the Committee at its seventy-first session (12–30 July 2021). ** The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the communication: Essadia Belmir, Claude Heller, Erdoğan İşcan, Liu Huawen, Ilvija Pūce, Ana Racu, Diego RodríguezPinzón, Sébastien Touzé, Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov and Peter Vedel Kessing. GE.21-12084 (E) 291021 291021

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