E/CN.4/1990/17/Add.l page 2 Introduction 1. Mr. Peter Kooijmans, Special Rapporteur visited Zaire from 13 to 20 January 1990, in response to an invitation extended to him on 15 August 1989 by the Zairian Government. The visit was prepared and organized by the Department of Rights and Freedoms of the Citizen (Departement des Droits et Libertes du Citoyen - DDLC). During his visit, the Special Rapporteur held discussions with the Vice-Premier Commissaire d'Etat et Commissaire d'Etat aux Droits et Libertes du Citoyen, Maitre Nimy Mayidika Ngimbi, and several high officials of the Department, including the Secretaire d'Etat aux Droits et Libertes du Citoyen, Maitre Sabi Ngampoub Mubiem, and the Conseiller-Directeur du Contentieux des Relations Internationales, Professor Lwamba Kutansi. He also held discussions with the Commissaire d'Etat a la Securite du Territoire, General Singa Boyende Mosambay, the President du Conseil Judiciaire, Kamanda wa Kamanda, accompanied by the Premier President de la Cour Supreme de Justice, Balanda Mikuim Leliel, the Public Prosecutor (Procureur general de la Republique), Mongulu T'Apangan, the Chief Military Prosecutor (Auditeur general des Forces Armees Zairoises), General Fariala and the Batonnier National, Maitre Kisimba Ngoy Ndalewe. The Special Rapporteur further held discussions with several high officials of the Secretariat d'Etat a la Defense Nationale, headed by the Principal Military Advisor, Colonel Lukama, the President General de la Garde Civile, Elite de Paix Kpama Baramoto, accompanied by the Secretary-General of the force, Ordonnateur principal de Paix Ngimbi Bitshiama, the Chef d'Etat-Major du Service d'Action et de Renseignements Militaires (SARM), General Mahele Bokunga, accompanied by his Chef de Cabinet, the Administrateur General of the Agence Nationale de Documentation (AND), Citoyen Mgbanda, accompanied by three high officials of his service, and with high officials of the Gendarmerie Nationale, headed by the Chef d'Etat-Major Adjoint of the force. 2. The Special Rapporteur visited the Makala Central Prison, where he was briefed by the director and members of his staff. He visited the clinic and several wards, and talked privately with a number of inmates. The Special Rapporteur also visited detention places of the Agence Nationale de Documentation (AND) and the Service d'Action et de Renseignements Militaires (SARM) and talked privately to persons being held there. 3. Finally, the Special Rapporteur visited two local offices of the Departement des Droits et Libertes du Citoyen (DDLC), situated in densely populated neighbourhoods of Kinshasa, and was briefed by the directors about their activity. 4. It may be noted that both prior to and during the visit, the Special Rapporteur received information from and held discussions with various non-governmental sources. 5. The Special Rapporteur wishes to express his sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Zairian Government and in particular the DDLC for the preparation of his visit. The Special Rapporteur is most grateful to Professor Lwamba Katansi who kindly accompanied him, and to Mr. Bakulu of the Protocol Section, who greatly facilitated his contacts with the authorities.

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