T O O L UNCAT Implementation Tool 6/2019 COOPERATION ON EXTRADITION The UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) enables and facilitates cooperation among States parties on extraditing those suspected of or responsible for offences of torture. This cooperation framework fulfills the general pledge of all UN Member States, under Articles 1(3), 55 and 56 of the UN Charter, to take joint action to advance human rights. By adopting and giving effect to UNCAT’s “extradition framework”, States can secure the lawful surrender and transfer of people suspected of or responsible for offences of torture. This framework has been set up in pursuit of the shared goals of UNCAT States parties of ending impunity by bringing perpetrators of such serious crimes to justice and eliminating safe havens for criminals. While there remain challenges in realising extradition for offences of torture, the Convention offers much to States parties to facilitate such processes. Offences of torture include all acts of torture or omissions, attempts, complicity, participation — such as aiding and abetting — conspiracy, instigation, incitement, as well as acts by public officials or other persons acting in an official capacity who consent to or acquiesce in torture (Articles 1 and 4, UNCAT). Extradition is a lawful procedure by which States cooperate with one another in criminal matters, regulating the formal surrender of suspects and convicted persons from one jurisdiction to another with a view to their prosecution or serving sentences of imprisonment for prior convictions. Thanks to UNCAT’s extradition provisions, States parties are able to enlist each other’s support in countering torture, and strengthening mutual assistance and cooperation in criminal law enforcement matters. The framework established under UNCAT also generates goodwill, and builds stronger bilateral and multilateral relations between States. This tool outlines the different elements of UNCAT’s extradition framework and, with a view to inspiring cooperation in extradition matters related to UNCAT, shares examples of States’ treaties, laws, policies, procedures and practices that give effect to UNCAT’s extradition-related provisions. The CTI ‘UNCAT Implementation Tools’ are a series of practical tools designed to share good practices among States on the implementation of the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT). They offer thematic guidance and ideas for State practitioners and policymakers as they develop or revise contextspecific strategies, mechanisms and procedures to prevent torture and other forms of ill-treatment or punishment, and provide remedies for victims. 1/12

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