E/CN.4/2006/120 page 2 CONTENTS Paragraphs Introduction .............................................................................................. I. 1-5 4 THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK .................................................... 6 - 16 5 A. Human rights and counter-terrorism measures ................ 6-7 5 B. The obligations of the United States of America under international law .................................................... 8-9 5 Scope of the obligations of the United States of America under international human rights law ............... 10 - 11 6 D. Limitations and derogations ............................................ 12 - 14 6 E. The complementarity of international humanitarian law and human rights law ................................................ 15 - 16 7 ARBITRARY DETENTION AND INDEPENDENCE OF JUDGES AND LAWYERS ........................................................ 17 - 40 8 A. Deprivation of liberty at Guantánamo Bay ...................... 19 - 21 8 B. Detainees captured in the course of an armed conflict .... 22 - 24 9 C. Detainees captured in the absence of an armed conflict ............................................................................. 25 - 26 10 The right to challenge the legality of detention before a judicial body ...................................................... 27 - 29 10 The right to be tried by a competent and independent tribunal ............................................................................. 30 - 33 11 The right to a fair trial ...................................................... 34 - 40 12 TORTURE AND OTHER CRUEL, INHUMAN OR DEGRADING TREATMENT OR PUNISHMENT ................... 41 - 56 14 A. Lack of clarity/confusing rules ........................................ 46 - 48 15 B. Interrogation techniques .................................................. 49 - 52 16 C. Conditions of detention .................................................... 53 17 C. II. D. E. F. III. Page

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