Advance unedited version CCPR/C/129/D/3106/2018-3122/2018 1.1 The authors of the 17 communications and their families on whose behalf they present the case are Turkish nationals: a) A.G., born in 1978, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, E.G., born in 1977, and of their three children born in Turkey: O.Y. (2003), A.E. (2006) and E.Y. (2010). They moved to Angola in 2014, after having lived in South Africa from 2010 to 2014; b) I.Y., born in 1991, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, N.K., born in 1991, and their daughter, S.S.Y. (2017), born in Angola. They moved to Angola in October 2012; c) I.O., born in 1987, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, B.O., born in 1990, and their son, H.E.O. (2016), born in Angola. They moved to Angola in 2015, after having lived in Yemen from 2005 to 2015; d) S.U., born in 1990. She moved to Angola in September 2013; e) B.K., born in 1984, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, B.K., born in 1985, and their daughter, C.I.K. (2013), born in Turkey. They moved to Angola in August 2015; f) Y.C., born in 1989. He moved to Angola in August 2015; g) T.M., born in 1989, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, E.M., born in 1991, and their son, I.C.M. (2017), born in Angola. They moved to Angola in December 2015, after having lived in South Africa and Zambia from 2012 to 2015; h) H.A., born in 1978, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, A.A., born in 1980, and their children born in Turkey: Y.S.A. (2010) and M.F.A. (2005). They moved to Angola in October 2012; i) S.M., born in 1989, who presents the communication on her own behalf and on behalf of her husband, P.M., born in 1990 in Turkmenistan (Turkmen nationality), and their daughter, N.E.M. (2015), born in Turkey. They moved to Angola in August 2014, after S.M. had studied in Cambodia; j) M.K., born in 1990. She left Turkey in 2012, when she went to Malawi to work as a math teacher. She moved to Angola in January 2016, after having lived in Malawi from 2012 to 2015; k) R.K., born in 1982, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, N.T.K., born in 1981, and their daughter, Z.K. (2016), born in Turkey. They moved to Angola in January 2016, after having lived in South Africa and Zambia from 2008 to 2015; l) A.K., born in 1959, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, S.K., born in 1964. They moved to Angola in August 2016; m) B.D., born in 1987, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, G.B.D., born in 1990, and their daughter, A.N.D. (2017), born in Angola. They moved to Angola in 2014, after having lived in the United States and in South Africa from 2012 to 2014; n) G.C., born in 1991. He moved to Angola in July 2015; o) A.D., born in 1987. She moved to Angola in October 2016, after having lived in Kenya and Madagascar from 2008 to 2016; p) E.A., born in 1985, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, F.A., born in 1985, and their son, F.A.A. (2016), born in Turkey. They moved to Angola in March 2012; q) M.B., born in 1984, who presents the communication on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, B.B., born in 1989, and their two children, E.B.B. (2016) and M.S.B. (2014), born in Turkey. They moved to Angola in January 2011. 2

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