CCPR/C/117/D/2415/2014 United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Distr.: General 5 September 2016 Original: English Human Rights Committee Decision adopted by the Committee under the Optional Protocol, concerning communication No. 2415/2014*, ** Communication submitted by: A.M.M.1 (represented by counsel, Arbab Perveez, of Adil Advokate) Alleged victim: The author State party: Denmark Date of communication: 2 June 2014 (initial submission) Document references: Decision taken pursuant to rule 97 of the Committee’s rules of procedure, transmitted to the State party on 4 June 2014 (not issued in document form) Date of adoption of decision: 14 July 2016 Subject matter: Deportation to Pakistan Procedural issues: Substantiation of claims; admissibility ratione materiae Substantive issues: Expulsion of aliens; risk of irreparable harm in country of origin; right to life; torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; right to political freedom Articles of the Covenant: 6, 7, 14 and 19 Articles of the Optional Protocol: 5 (2) (a) (b) * Adopted by the Committee at its 117th session (20 June-15 July 2016). ** The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present 1 communication: Yadh Ben Achour, Lazhari Bouzid, Sarah Cleveland, Olivier de Frouville, Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Yuji Iwasawa, Ivana Jelić, Photini Pazartzis, Mauro Politi, Sir Nigel Rodley, Víctor Manuel Rodríguez-Rescia, Fabián Omar Salvioli, Yuval Shany and Margo Waterval. Requested to keep his name confidential. GE.16-15375(E)  

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