CAT/C/59/D/658/2015 3.3 In addition, the complainant claims that her political activities and those of her partner have drawn the attention of the Ethiopian security services, which further increases the manifest risk of persecution, torture and inhuman or degrading treatment to which she would be exposed if she were to return to Ethiopia. 3.4 The complainant also points out that she suffers from post-traumatic stress and that her daughter has significant language delay and presents autistic tendencies. State party’s observations on the merits 4.1 On 11 August 2015, the State party submitted observations on the merits of the communication. The State party recognizes that the human rights situation in Ethiopia is worrying in many respects. However, this situation cannot, of itself, constitute a sufficient reason to conclude that the author would be at risk of being subjected to torture on her return to her country of origin. 2 The State party considers that the complainant has not provided evidence to suggest that she would run a foreseeable, real and personal risk of being subjected to torture if she were returned to Ethiopia. 4.2 The complainant states that she was ill-treated and threatened by police officers on two occasions, on 17 and 24 May 2012. The Swiss authorities have identified inconsistencies in her statements to the extent that they consider them not plausible. Thus, it was only that at her second hearing that the complainant claimed to have been arrested at her home on 24 May 2012. At her first hearing, she explained in one sentence that she had been questioned on 17 May 2012 and had left Ethiopia on 9 June, without making any reference to the event which allegedly occurred between those dates. The State party considers that it is not credible that the complainant failed to mention the arrest on that occasion even briefly, although she later claimed to have been detained for several hours, severely beaten and threatened with death, and that it was as a result of that arrest that she decided to go abroad. Furthermore, the complainant first claimed that, during the first questioning, she had been interrogated by four to five police officers, but then later said that she had been questioned by a single person. 4.3 The State party also considers that the complainant’s allegations that, if she were to return to the country, she would be tortured for her membership of Ginbot 7 since 20082009 do not seem credible. At her first hearing, she mentioned only her partner’s political activities. When asked to provide other reasons that would prevent her returning to Ethiopia, she did not add anything. It was only at the second hearing that she stated that she too was active in Ginbot 7 and that she would therefore be sought by the Ethiopian authorities. The State party considers that, if the complainant had actually taken part in such political activity and if she were sought for that reason, she would not have omitted mentioning this essential element at her first hearing. 4.4 In addition, the complainant described her activities in Ginbot 7 in a confused way. She had to be asked several times how she had joined the party before she said that she had contacted a friend of her partner’s, who allegedly put her in contact with the party, but she did not specify how she had joined. The Swiss authorities also noted a lack of credibility in the complainant’s statement that the reason she did not ask her partner to help her join the party was that, until she joined, she was unaware that he was a member. She also did not explain how, in those circumstances, she was aware of her partner’s friend’s activities. The complainant also made vague and inconsistent statements about party meetings that did not indicate that she had actually been present. She did not respond to the questions asked in any detail, but rather with brief and non-committal statements, obliging the interviewer to try to elicit more information by asking further questions. It seemed that the author did not know when the movement in question became illegal, and has no information on how it is organized at local level. 4.5 In respect of the complainant’s statements that she also took part in Ginbot 7 activities in Switzerland and that would mean she would risk being subjected to torture if she were to return to Ethiopia, the State party points out that the Swiss authorities consider it unlikely that the author was a member of Ginbot 7 or took part in activities for the 2 GE.17-04946 See communication No. 106/1998, N.P. v. Australia, Views adopted on 6 May 1999, para. 6.5. 3

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