TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION 5 VISIT TO MALI 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 7 TH E CO N T RY 8 MEF,TINGSANDPRISONS 9 BANTAK0 9 21 August 1997, Bamako Direction Nationale de l'Admintirtration Penitentiaire at de l'Education Surveillee (DNAPES) Visit to Ministry of Justice 22 August 1997 DNAPES Division of Detention, rehabilitation and regulation DNAP1-.:S, Division of Supervised Education Visit to Baquineda Prison Farms Visit to Bamako Central.Prison 29 August 1997 Meeting with NGOs working in the areas of detention or prevention of crime. Meeting with Tiebile Dram, Member of Parliament and former Minister of Arid and semiarid hones Tois4Boucrou 25 August 1997 Meeting with. Brahima Kane, Commandant de Cercle The Judiciary The Public Prosecutor, Christian fdrissa Diassana Brigade of Gendarmerie of Tombuctu ..Vandogo, Ilead of .Station Visit to a detainee transferred to Hospital Police Post, Commissioner Bougadany Toure Visit to Tombouctou Prison GOUNDAM 26 August 1997 Brigade of Gendarmerie Visit to Goundam Prison 9 9 12 12 12 13 13 15 18 18 19 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 25 25 25 26

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