CAT/C/BGR/CO/4-5 6. The Committee notes the State party’s ongoing efforts to revise its legislation in areas of relevance to the Convention, including the amendment to the Constitution in 2007 establishing the Supreme Judicial Council, and: (a) New Civil Procedure Code, in force since 1 March 2008, relating to compensation or rehabilitation provided to victims of torture; (b) Judicial System Act, in force since 10 August 2007, and Judiciary Reform Strategy 2009–2013, adopted in 2009; (c) Amendment to the Law on Asylum and Refugees providing a mechanism for the refugee status determination procedure, 2007 (d) Assistance and Financial Compensation to Crime Victims Act, in force since 2007, and National Strategy for Assistance and Compensation to Crime Victims; (e) New Administrative Procedure Code, in force since 12 July 2006, relating to prevention and punishment of torture and the possibility of foreigners to challenge expulsion orders; (f) New Criminal Procedure Code, in force since 26 April 2006, regarding procedural guarantees of prohibition of torture and provisions to prevent torture and regulating police detention; Aid (g) Legal Aid Act (2006) and the establishment of the National Bureau of Legal (h) Amendments to the new Health Act, in force since 1 May 2005, in relation to medical procedures for persons with mental disabilities; (i) Several amendments to the Penal Code since 2004, especially with regard to article 287 relating to the Convention’s requirement for criminalizing the act of torture. 7. The Committee also welcomes the efforts of the State party to amend its policies, programmes and administrative measures to ensure greater protection of human rights and give effect to the Convention, including: (a) Adoption of the Strategy for Development of Penitentiary Facilities (2009– 2015) and the Programme for Improvement of Conditions at Places of Deprivation of Liberty, 2010; (b) National Strategy for Children (2008–2018) and the Vision for Children’s Deinstitutionalization in the Bulgaria, adopted on 24 February 2010; (c) Integrated Strategy for Combating Crime and Corruption, 2010; (d) Strategy for Reforming Places of Detention (2009–2015); (e) National Action Plan for the Initiative “Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005– 2015” and Framework Programme for Integration of Roma in Bulgarian Society (2010– 2020); (f) C. National Action Plan for Mental Health (2004–2012). Principal subjects of concern and recommendations Definition, absolute prohibition and criminalization of torture 8. The Committee is concerned that a comprehensive definition of torture incorporating all the elements of article 1 of the Convention is not included in the Penal Code and that torture is not criminalized as an autonomous offence in law, as required under the Convention. The Committee notes that the working group in the Ministry of 2

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