CAT/C/ECU/CO/4-6 (b) International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (20 October 2009); (c) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol (3 April 2008). 6. The Committee takes note of the efforts made by the State party to review its legislation in order to meet the recommendations of the Committee and improve its implementation of the conventions, including: (a) The entry into force, on 20 October 2008, of the new Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, which establishes the general framework for the protection of human rights, mainly in its Title II (Rights), the observance of which is strengthened by article 11.3 on the direct and immediate applicability of the rights and guarantees established in the Constitution and in international human rights instruments. The Committee welcomes in particular the provisions on: (i) The prohibition of torture, enforced disappearance and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment (art. 66.3 (c)); (ii) The inadmissibility of evidence obtained in violation of fundamental rights (art. 76.4); (iii) The incorporation of new legal procedures for the protection of human rights, such as protective action (art. 88), habeas corpus (art. 89) and special protection measures (art. 94); (iv) The trial of members of the armed forces and the national police by the judiciary (art. 160); (v) The establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman as an independent judicial organ responsible for providing free legal aid to persons who cannot afford the services of a counsel (art. 191). (b) Ruling No. 0002-2005-TC of the Constitutional Tribunal (now the Constitutional Court), published in Official Gazette No. 382-S of 23 October 2006, declaring the detención en firme procedure unconstitutional; (c) Ruling No. 0042-2007-TC of the Constitutional Tribunal, published in Official Gazette No. 371 of 1 July 2008, declaring articles 145 and 147 of the National Security Act, which allow the trial of civilians by military courts for acts committed during states of emergency, unconstitutional; and the interpretative statement No. 001-08-SI-CC of the new Constitutional Court, published in Official Gazette No. 479 of 2 December 2008, confirming that the former military and police courts ceased to exist when the 2008 Constitution took effect. 7. The Committee welcomes the efforts made by the State party to alter its policies and procedures in order to ensure greater protection for human rights and apply the Convention, in particular: (a) The adoption, on 8 May 2008, of Ecuador’s Refugee Policy, in which it undertakes to meet the commitments assumed under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, its 1967 Protocol, the 1984 Cartagena Declaration and the 2004 Mexico Declaration and Plan of Action; (b) The adoption in 2006 of the national plan to combat human trafficking, illegal trafficking of migrants, exploitation for sexual work or other purposes and prostitution of women, children and adolescents, child pornography and the corruption of minors; 2 GE.11-40392

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