CCPR/C/120/D/2625/2015 1.1 The author of the communication is S.Z., an Afghan national born on 23 March 1995. 1 He claims that his deportation to Afghanistan by Denmark would constitute a violation of articles 6, 7, 13 and 26 of the Covenant. He is represented by counsel, NielsErik Hansen. 1.2 On 26 June 2015, pursuant to rule 92 of the Committee’s rules of procedure, the Committee requested the State party to refrain from deporting the author to Afghanistan while his case was under consideration by the Committee. On 20 July 2015, the Danish authorities suspended the time limit for the author’s departure from the State party until further notice, in accordance with the Committee’s request. Factual background 2.1 The author is an ethnic Tajik from Kabul, Afghanistan. He was born on 23 March 1995.2 He went to school for seven years and then worked in a garage located in an area of the city some distance from the area where he was living. Every day, he used to take a “passengers car” (shared taxi) to go to work. He claims that, one day in 2014, 3 he was abducted by armed men on his way back from work in the Sarai Shamali area. A “passengers car” stopped and asked him where he was going, and as the driver was going in the same direction as the author, the latter got into the car. The driver asked him to sit at the back, as other people would get into the car later. Around 10 minutes later, three people got into the car and threatened him with a gun and a knife, beat him and told him that they would kill him if he screamed. He was also told that, if he escaped, he would be found wherever he went. Then the author was taken to a house in the province of Parwan, 4 where the three armed people, plus another two people who had joined them, locked the author up in a room in the basement and took pictures of him. None of the armed people talked to the author and he could not understand what they said to each other, as they spoke Pashto together.5 2.2 The author claims that he spent five days detained in the room and that he managed to escape through a section of the window which was covered with plastic. 6 He further claims that, while he was in the house, he saw some weapons, materials to make bombs and vests. The author believes that the Taliban abducted him to oblige him to become a suicide bomber, as it is known that they abduct young boys for that purpose. 7 He also claims that, during his detention, he was beaten and kicked several times and that, if he tried to speak, he was hit with a fist and the palm of a hand.8 After he escaped, the author managed to get to his parents’ house, where he hid for about two days. He was then sent to stay with his grandparents in the city of Akhtachi for about four days. As he was afraid of the Taliban, the author met with an agent who helped him to travel to Europe. 2.3 The author’s parents informed him that, around six months after his departure from Afghanistan, armed people came to his house asking for him. They stated that the author “owed something to them” and threatened the author’s father that they would kill the latter if he did not tell them where the author was. After this incident, the author’s parents were obliged to move, and they now live in another area of the country. The author claims that he has not heard from his family since they informed him about the incident. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 See para. 2.4. See para. 2.4. The author does not indicate a precise date. The author claims that he knows that he was taken to Parwan Province, as he used to go there with his friends and knows the area well. The author speaks Dari. However, at his hearing with the Refugee Appeals Board, he indicated that he understood a little Pashto and heard that the persons who abducted him were planning suicide bombings. The author explains that the section covered by plastic was about half of the area of the window and that he climbed on to a barrel to reach it. The author does not provide further information or documentation to support this assertion. In his interview with the Danish Immigration Service on 27 June 2014, the author indicated that he had not been beaten, kicked or otherwise assaulted, but that he had been threatened with violence if he tried to escape.

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