United Nations
Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women
Distr.: General
10 September 2019
Original: English
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women
Views adopted by the Committee under article 7 (3) of the
Optional Protocol, concerning communication
No. 86/2015*,**
Communication submitted by:
R.S.A.A. et al (represented by counsel, Marie
Louise Frederiksen)
Alleged victim:
The author and her two daughters, S.A. and H.A.
State party:
Date of communication:
28 April 2015 (initial submission)
Transmitted to the State party on 30 April 2015
(not issued in document form)
Date of adoption of views:
15 July 2019
* Adopted by the Committee at its seventy-third session (1–19 July 2019).
** The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present
communication: Gladys Acosta Vargas, Hiroko Akizuki, Tamader Al-Rammah, Nicole Ameline,
Gunnar Bergby, Marion Bethel, Louiza Chalal, Esther Eghobamien-Mshelia, Naéla Mohamed
Gabr, Hilary Gbedemah, Nahla Haidar, Dalia Leinarte, Rosario G. Manalo, Lia Nadaraia,
Bandana Rana, Rhoda Reddock, Elgun Safarov, Wenyan Song, Genoveva Tisheva, Franceline
Toé-Bouda and Aicha Vall Verges.
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