ABBREVIATIONS USED SAA - Social Assistance Agency SCPO - Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's Office RBS - Reform Boarding School CDBP - Chief Directorate "Border Police" CDEP - Chief Directorate "Execution of Punishments" CDS - Chief Directorate "Security" BPD - Border Police Directorate SAD - Directorate "Social Assistance" SAR - State Agency for Refugees SACP - State Agency for Child Protection SANS - State Agency "National Security" HEPD - Home for elderly people with dementia HAMD - Home for adults with mental disorders HAMR - Home for adults with mental retardation DDD - Disinfection, disinfestation, rat extermination HCDPC - Home for Children Deprived of Parental Care HCYMR - Home for children and youth with mental retardation HCD - Home for children with disabilities HMSCC - Home for medical and social care for children SEPP - State Enterprise "Prison Production" SPH - State Psychiatric Hospital CPR - Children's Pedagogical Room LAADMJ - Law against antisocial delinquency of minors and juvenile LH - Law on Health LESD - Law on the Execution of Sentences and Detention LMI - Law on Medical Establishments PDorm - Prison dormitory LO - Law on Ombudsman PDCT - Prison dormitory of closed type PDOT - Prison dormitory of open type LSA - Law on Social Assistance CPT - Committee for Prevention of Torture PDL - Persons deprived of liberty LI - medical institution MI - Ministry of Internal Affairs MH - Ministry of Health PE - Penitentiary establishments (prisons) MD - Ministry of Defence MES - Ministry of Education and Science MJ - Ministry of Justice CM - Council of Ministers MLSP - Ministry of Labour and Social Policy MF - Ministry of Finance MC - Medical Centre NHIF - National Health Insurance Fund CC - Criminal Code CPC - Criminal Procedure Code NPM - National Preventive Mechanism RD of MI - Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior 3

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