United Nations
Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women
Distr.: General
8 April 2019
Original: English
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women
Decision adopted by the Committee under article 4 (2) (c) of
the Optional Protocol, concerning communication
No. 96/2015*,**
Communication submitted by:
A.R.I. (represented by counsel, Jytte
Alleged victim:
The author
State party:
Date of communication:
17 September 2015 (initial submission)
Transmitted to the State party on
22 September 2015
Date of adoption of decision:
25 February 2019
* Adopted by the Committee at its seventy-second session (18 February–8 March 2019).
** The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present
communication: Gladys Acosta Vargas, Hiroko Akizuki, Nicole Ameline, Gunnar Bergby,
Marion Bethel, Louiza Chalal, Naéla Mohamed Gabr, Hilary Gbedemah, Na hla Haidar, Dalia
Leinarte, Rosario G. Manalo, Lia Nadaraia, Aruna Devi Narain, Ana Peláez Narváez, Rhoda
Reddock, Elgun Safarov, Wenyan Song, Genoveva Tisheva, Franceline Toé-Bouda and Aicha
Vall Verges.
19-05867 (E)