CCPR/C/119/D/2206/2012 United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Distr.: General 4 May 2017 Original: English Human Rights Committee Views adopted by the Committee under article 5 (4) of the Optional Protocol, concerning communication No. 2206/2012*, ** Communication submitted by: Vide Lale and Milojka Blagojević (represented by TRIAL: Track Impunity Always) Alleged victim: The authors and their respective mothers, Anđa Lale and Staka Popović State Party: Bosnia and Herzegovina Date of communication: 26 September 2012 (initial submission) Document references: Decision taken pursuant to rule 97 of the Committee’s rules of procedure, transmitted to the State party on 20 November 2012 (not issued in a document form) Date of adoption of Views: 17 March 2017 Subject matter: Arbitrary killing, disappearance and effective remedy Procedural issues: None Substantive issues: Right to life; cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; right to privacy; right to family life; right to an effective remedy Articles of the Covenant: 2 (3); 6; 7; 17; and 23 (1) Article of the Optional Protocol: 2 1. The authors of the communication are Vide Lale and Milojka Blagojević, nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina, born on 3 June 1949 and 1 July 1949, respectively. Mr. Lale submits the communication on his behalf and on behalf of his mother, Anđa Lale, a national of Bosnia and Herzegovina, born on 7 July 1907. Mrs. Blagojević submits the communication on her own behalf and on behalf of her mother, Staka Popović, a national of Bosnia and Herzegovina born on 26 January 1919. The authors allege that Mrs. Lale and Mrs. Popović were victims of arbitrary execution in 1992 and that their remains were * Adopted by the Committee at its 119th session (6 March-29 March 2017). ** The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the communication: Tania María Abdo Rocholl, Yadh Ben Achour, Ilze Brands Kehris, Sarah Cleveland, Ahmed Amin Fathalla, Olivier de Frouville, Christof Heyns, Yuji Iwasawa, Bamariam Koita, Marcia Kran, Duncan Laki Muhumuza, Mauro Politi, José Manuel Santos Pais, Anja Seibert-Fohr, Yuval Shany and Margo Waterval. GE.17-07191(E) 

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