United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
9 April 2018
Original: English
Human Rights Council
Thirty-seventh session
26 February–23 March 2018
Agenda item 3
Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council
on 23 March 2018
The negative impact of corruption on the right to be free from torture
and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
The Human Rights Council,
Recalling all resolutions on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment adopted by the General Assembly, the Commission on Human Rights and
the Human Rights Council,
Recalling also all relevant resolutions of the Commission on Human Rights and the
Human Rights Council on the negative impact of corruption on human rights,
Reaffirming that no one shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment,
Acknowledging that good governance, transparency, accountability and the rule of
law play a central role both in the promotion and protection of human rights, including to
ensure the absolute prohibition against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment, and in preventing and combating corruption at all levels,
Concerned about the seriousness of problems and threats posed by corruption to the
stability and security of societies, undermining the institutions and values of democracy,
ethical values and justice and jeopardizing sustainable development and the rule of law,
Recognizing that the international legal frameworks for protecting human rights and
fighting corruption are complementary and mutually reinforcing,
Recalling the correlation between the levels of corruption within a State and the
prevalence of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
recognized in the seventh annual report of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 1
Recognizing that corruption has a disproportionate impact on persons in vulnerable
situations and persons belonging to marginalized groups and may have an adverse impact
on their access to justice, redress and compensation, including as victims of torture and
other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, which may increase their risk
CAT/C/52/2, para. 72.