MAIN RECOMMENDATiONS TO AUTHORiTiES AND ADMiNiSTRATiONS OF FACiLiTiES           Ž ˆ   ˆ  €    ’         €     •€ ˆ ˆ  ˆ € ˆ ˆˆ           Œˆ ’ˆ   Œ              ‰  —    ‰   ‰‰ ŒŒ€   ˆ    ‰   — ˆ   Œ† €€  € ŒŒ €    ˆŒ COVID-19 RELATED RECOMMENDATiONS 1 COV ID 19 Vac c ine           2     Due to their vulnerable situation, persons deprived of liberty should be offered vaccination as soon as possible, and they and staff should be included in the high priority groups. Relaxations should be upheld to the largest extent possible, e.g., by making use of testing, quarantine or stringing together various interruptions of detention, and the phases and steps of relaxations should be arranged more flexibly. 3 4           Restrictions should be checked for necessity regularly. Regulations that similarly affect the general population should serve as a point of reference, so that detainees’ well-being is not compromised disproportionately. In addition, measures to mitigate the negative impacts of the restrictions should be put in place. Ž€ Ž€  ­‡Ÿ‚ ­‡Ÿ‚ € €          €Œ €       New technologies, such as video calls, should be used to ensure that persons concerned can maintain regular contacts with the outside world. Authorities should ensure that the necessary technological equipment and knowledge of how to use it are at hand. However, the use of new technology should not replace the personal visits. To learn more about the project scan this QR code or visit the website

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