United Nations
International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights
Distr.: General
15 December 2014
Original: French
Human Rights Committee
Communication No. 2026/2011
Views adopted by the Committee at its 112th session (7–31 October
GE.14-24387 (E)
Submitted by:
Bariza Zaier (represented by Philippe Grant
of the Swiss association TRIAL – Track
Impunity Always)
Alleged victims:
Rachid Sassene (husband of the author) and
the author herself
State party:
Date of communication:
10 December 2010 (initial submission)
Document references:
Special Rapporteur’s rule 97 decision,
transmitted to the State party on 18 February
2011 (not issued in document form)
Date of adoption of Views:
29 October 2014
Subject matter:
Enforced disappearance
Substantive issues:
Right to an effective remedy, right to life,
prohibition of torture and cruel or inhuman
treatment, right to liberty and security of
person, respect for the inherent dignity of the
human person, recognition as a person before
the law and unlawful interference with the
Procedural issues:
Exhaustion of domestic remedies
Articles of the Covenant:
Articles 2 (para. 3), 6 (para. 1), 7, 9, 10
(para. 1), 16 and 17
Article of the Optional Protocol:
Article 5 (para. 2 (b))
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