CAT/OP/CRI/CSPRO/1 Introduction 1. The Government of Costa Rica takes careful note of all the recommendations and observations made by the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, established pursuant to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which were published in its report entitled “Visit to Costa Rica undertaken from 3 to 14 March 2019: recommendations and observations addressed to the State party” (CAT/OP/CRI/ROSP/R.1). The Government of Costa Rica takes this opportunity to make the following comments. Recommendations I. Introduction (paras. 5 and 7) 2. In accordance with the recommendation contained in paragraph 5, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to inform the Subcommittee that the report on its visit to Costa Rica from 3 to 14 March 2019 has been brought to the attention of the institutions that participated in the visit. 3. The Government is willing for the Subcommittee to publish the visit report in accordance with article 16 (2) of the Optional Protocol and would be grateful if it were published together with the present report containing the Government’s response. This report will also be disseminated via the SIMORE Plus recommendations monitoring system on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. II. National preventive mechanism (para. 12) 4. The authorities have respected the mechanism’s functional independence and independence of judgment, so that it has been to able fulfil its mandate in accordance with the Optional Protocol and Act No. 9204 establishing the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture and its regulations. 5. The size of the mechanism’s staff is not proportional to the number of places of detention that must be monitored. Although the mechanism currently has a need for a psychologist, for budgetary reasons it has refrained from requesting the creation of such a position. Costa Rica has been experiencing a strong economic depression and deterioration in public finances, resulting in a hiring freeze of public sector workers – a situation that now has been aggravated by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. It is envisaged that a duly reasoned request to create the post will be submitted to the relevant authorities once the economic situation has stabilized. 6. On the budgetary side, the State has met the mechanism’s basic operating needs, covering travel expenses, office space, office equipment, administrative and logistical support and wages. While there is a need for the mechanism to have its own vehicle for the purpose of travelling to inspections, it currently uses the vehicles and drivers of the Ombudsman’s Office for this purpose. 7. With regard to the recommendation to give more visibility to the mechanism’s reports and recommendations, the Government wishes to stress that the mechanism operates using persuasion, with an emphasis on dialogue with the relevant authorities, in accordance with article 22 of Act No. 8459 approving the Optional Protocol and article 13 of the Act establishing the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture. Thus, the mechanism’s reports are studied in dialogue forums with a view to the effective implementation of its recommendations, with the exception of those reports that are communicated to the press. 8. A press conference is usually – but not always – held to publicize the mechanism’s annual report, which is transmitted to the relevant authorities. Given its independent mandate, the mechanism does not believe that it is necessary for government officials to attend the 2 GE.20-17766

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