CONTENTS Executive Summary 5 1. Introduction 7 2. Direct contact electric shock weapons 12 3. Body-worn electric shock devices 24 4. Projectile electric shock weapons 28 5. Mechanical restraints 5.1. Standard handcuffs and leg restraints 32 32 5.2. Inherently inappropriate restraints 5.2.1. 5.2.2. 5.2.3. 5.2.4. 5.2.5. Fixed restraints Thumb cuffs Restraint chairs, shackle-boards and beds Cage beds and net beds Prisoner hoods and blindfolds 6. Kinetic impact weapons 6.1. Kinetic impact projectiles 37 37 44 46 49 51 54 54 6.2. Hand-held kinetic impact weapons 56 6.3. Spiked kinetic impact devices 59 7. Riot control agents 61 8. Pharmaceutical chemicals 69 9. Training and technical assistance 71 3

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